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Photovoltaic and wind power high voltage filtering and compensation application solutions

business background:

Photovoltaic and wind power generation will generate reactive power, harmonics, voltage flicker and three-phase imbalance during operation. 

The grid-connected system requires that the power quality of the reactive power compensation and the power injected into the system's point of common connection (PCC) busbar meet national standards.


Project description

This project is a photovoltaic power generation project in Zhangjiakou, Hebei, with an installed capacity of 35M and a designed compensation capacity of 7M. 

The SVG device can dynamically track the changes in grid voltage and dynamically adjust the reactive output according to the changes to achieve the function of stabilizing voltage. The dynamic closed-loop response time is no more than 5ms, and the control system response time is no more than 1ms.


In view of the frequent load changes, high reactive power and large harmonic content on site, our company adopts a high-voltage XHSVG+XHFC combined filtering compensation solution, and installs a set of XHSVG-35/4000 +XHFC-35/3000 on the 35KV side.

On-site pictures:


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