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Shijiazhuang Xuhao Electric Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.

Company culture

Integrity, Honesty, Focus and Hard Work


Focus on professional services, save energy, return to society, harmonic reactive power compensation services, save energy and reduce emissions for customers, provide sincere services, keep promises and satisfy customers


We provide the best services in the harmonic control and reactive power compensation industry, with a high-quality reputation, and become lifelong friends of our customers.


Based on the market - a disseminator of technical value [providing pre-sales test analysis, on-site after-sales debugging, ensuring the effect, and meeting the actual needs of customers] Based on the company - a promoter of product improvement [feeding back the market performance information of the product to the company's technical research and development department, promoting product upgrades and renovations, promoting quality improvements, and improving customer satisfaction with the product]

Focus on professional services, save energy, give back to society, specialize in harmonic control, reactive power compensation services, save energy and reduce emissions for customers, be sincere, serve sincerely, keep promises, and make customers satisfied and assured

2024-2029  ©    All Rights Reserved    Shijiazhuang Xuhao Electric Power Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.  Technical support: Netcom Technology

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